
Stone Cold Revolving Door

I follow the rhythm of a beating heart
The trail finds a way into you.
This intimacy intimidates; this persistent, burrowing beast
Even through my resistance, I manage to find comfort here.

You're not so scary,
Now that I've uncovered some of you;
Semi-interesting, kind of nice--
I'm not so good with the compliments.

But I fear for you for you'll never understand
That I didn't come to stay, your path just crossed my way
It's time for me to go now, detour's coming up
Scenic route, no hitchhikers.


I've returned from my insane roller coaster ride,
No bars, no straps, just me and the rails.
Wind in my hair, heart in my throat, no voice to scream.
A clenched ass determined to stay seated and white knuckles gripping to-- Anything.

Didja miss me?
I missed you-- sort of.
But don't tell anyone.
Can't have rumors flying about that I may actually have feelings.

But don't get used to it, you know I'll go away again.
Not because of you, but because that's what I do.
In and out, around and around.
But I'll be back-- Eventually.

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