
Fall & Rise

You placed me on a pedestal
Adorned me with beauty
Enveloped me with love
Yet, it did not satisfy.

A black hole heart
Cannot be filled
Swallowing all light
Somber echo.

If in the darkness I had seen
All the light that surrounded me
I would have reached that elusive thing
Called Happiness.

But instead I let the night consume me
Constrict me
Instead of letting Love set me free
I let it hold me back.

No gratitude for what I had
Only bitterness for what wasn't
Egotistical desire
Pulled me from my throne.

It was a long way to fall
From where you held me on high
If I'd taken off the blindfold
I would have seen that I lived in the sky.

With the world at my feet
It's beauty and bounty
Always within reach
And infinite Love, more than I would ever need.

I found myself alone and in the cold
Scared, not knowing where to go
Feeling like I'd never feel safe or warm
Thinking that I'd lost all the good I'd ever know.

But in all your grace and compassion
You extended me your hand
You offered me comfort
You remained my friend.

You helped me find my footing
Showed me where to go
Helped me when I struggled
Pushed me to grow.

I'm nowhere near the top now
I've so far to go
But I'll keep climbing up
I'm on my way home.

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