
A Poem for the Dr.

The Dr. helped us learn to read,
by writing stories silly-ly.
A fox, a cat, and even fish
spoke to us in gibberish.

The most important lesson taught:
Use your brain, lest it rot.
Cultivate creativeness,
even if it makes a mess.

A cat will help you clean it up.
and when you're done you'll Hop on Pop.
Your tongue will twist with Fox in Socks,
(I like to read this in a box).

Outside the box is just as fun,
can't find a rhyme? Make one up!
How else will a Yink, a Zed and Zans,
come over for green eggs and ham?

As we've grown, we've lost our way
focusing on rainy days.
On bills and jobs and things that suck.
The Dr. warned about the slump.

The Dr.'s written good advice,
not just for kids, for practical life.
"Life's a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft."

From Bang-Ups and Hang-Ups we are not immune,
and "un-slumping" ourselves is hard to do.
Bad things will happen to you and to me,
if we keep sharp we will succeed.

(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed).

Do as you please, don't be afraid--
live as if all you have is today.
But you don't just have today--
you'll most likely have tomorrow
So don't be scared of trial and error.

Happy birthday Dr.,
today is your day.
I hope you're in a bright place
where the Boom Bands play.

March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991


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